The Christian life is lived Coram Deo, before the face of God. Triniform's mission is to house and share resources that point out, notice, savor, and trace the glory of God as it runs through every sphere of life.
God's glory is found in church, in reading the Bible. God's glory is also seen playing sports. Writing a story. Caring for your children. Loving your spouse. All of life is lived under His lordship - there is nothing that exists outside of His hands. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is unimportant. The goal here is to press into that reality with each article, sermon, story, or think piece published.
The hope and prayer is that these resources will do three things:
- Stir up your love for God
- Provide wisdom and biblical insight on a variety of subjects.
- Lead you to see every aspect of life as existing before the Triune God.
The word "triniform" is loaded with meaning. The etymology itself combines the idea of a Trinity with the concept of form, or substance. More frequently, however, this word is used in neo-calvinist circles to describe the entire universe as inherently bearing the marks of the Trinity. Indeed, all of life is in once sense or another, triniform. All of existence bears the seal of the One who brought all things forth in the beginning.
Triniform is a resource ministry led by Caleb Clark (MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary). He the pastor of OneChurch HB, in Huntington Beach California. He loves God, cherishes his church community, and has a passion for Christians coming to see all of their life as being lived before God.
When other writers contribute to Triniform you will find their bio linked to their work.